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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis
Published by Universitas Halu Oleo
ISSN : 24067489     EISSN : 24069337     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis (JITRO) adalah jurnal ilmiah mempublikasikan hasil penelitian dan review bidang peternakan.
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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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Gen Toll-like Receptor-4 (TLR4) adalah salah satu gen yang mengontrol ketahanan ayam terhadap Salmonella sp. melalui respons imun non spesifik. Gen tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai marka genetik pada ayam apabila diketahui keragamannya. Oleh sebab itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi keragaman gen TLR4 pada ayam Tolaki yang dibandingkan dengan ayam ras yang ada di Indonesia. Total sampel ada 126 terdiri dari ayam Tolaki (82 ekor), ayam petelur (20 ekor) dan ayam broiler (24 ekor). Tahapan identifikasi meliputi ekstraksi DNA genom, amplifikasi PCR gen TLR4 (220 pb, di exon 2), dan metode RFLP, menggunakan enzim restriksi MscI. Data yang dianalisis meliputi frekuensi alel dan frekuensi genotipe, nilai heterozigositas, dan Polymorphic Informative Content (PIC). Hasil yang diperoleh : gen TLR4|MscI pada ayam Tolaki, petelur dan broiler bersifat polimorfik, dengan ditemukan dua alel yaitu alel A dan G. Frekuensi alel G (pembawa sifat resisten) pada ayam Tolaki, broiler dan ayam petelur adalah 0.77, 0.87 dan 0.20. Dari uji x2 diketahui bahwa genotipe gen TLR4|MscI ayam Tolaki berada dalam keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg, dengan nilai Ho dan He sebesar 0.31 dan 0.29. Nilai PIC gen TLR4 ayam Tolaki (0.25) termasuk kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut gen TLR4|MscI dapat digunakan sebagai penciri genetik untuk sifat ketahanan ayam terhadap infeksi Salmonella sp. pada ayam Tolaki.Kata kunci : keragaman genetik, gen TLR4, Salmonella sp, respons imun non spesifik
Nilai Panen Cempe (Kid Crop) Kambing Kacang (Capra hircus) di Kabupaten Konawe Utara (Studi Kasus) Saili, Takdir
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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One of determined variable to evaluate population growth of livestock in certain area is the number of offspring produced in certain period. On goat and lamb production, productivity could be determined using kid crop variable.  Information related to kid crop, especially kid crop of Kacang goat in Konawe Utara District was limited, hence the research on this issue was need for providing the related data. The objective of this research was to determine kid crop of Kacang goat in Konawe Utara District. The location was sequentially established using stratified and purposive sampling methods, while respondent on the named village was established using counting method.  The results  showed  that  kid  crop of Kacang goat  in Konawe Utara District was 167,71% with 8,61 month of kidding interval and 1,36 kids of litter size,  whereas  mortality was    13,96%.  In  conclusion,  Kambing goat  productivity in Konawe Utara District was still good based on the kid crop variable.     Key word: Kacang goat, kid, kid crop, Konawe Utara.
Efek Peningkatan Serat Kasar Dengan Penggunaan Daun Murbei Dalam Ransum Broiler Terhadap Persentase Bobot Saluran Pencernaan. (Effects Fiber Improved by Using Mulberry Leaf in the Broiler Diet Against Gastrointestinal Weight Percentage) Has, Hamdan
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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This study conducted to determine the effect of increasing crude fiber by using murlberry leaf on weight percentage of broiler digestive tract. One hundred DOC (day old chick) broilers, mulberry leaf, rumen fluid and other feed ingredients used in a completely randomized design research with 5 treatment T0 (control), T1 (10% mulberry leaves), T2 (10% fermented mulberry leaves), T3 (20% mulberry leaves) and T4 (20% fermented mulberry leaf) and 4 replications. Parameters observed was weight percentge of gastrointestinal tract (crop, proventriculus, gizzard, liver, pancreas, small intestine, cecum). The results showed the increasing crude fiber with 10% and 20% mulberry leaves (fermented and not fermented) were not significant (P> 0.05) on crop, proventiculus, liver and pancreas, but significant (P <0.05) increase gizzard weight at 20% murlberry compared to control, treatment 10% and 20% murlberry increase significantly (P <0.05) weight of the small intestine (doudenum, jejenum, ileum) and ceca compared control. Fermented and unfermented treatment showed no difference for all parameters. The increase in crude fiber diet can affect the digestive tract, especially the weight of gizzard, small intestine and cecum.   Keyword: Crude Fiber, Murlberry Leaf, Digestive Tract
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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This research was conducted in Kendari City at Southeast Sulawesi Province on July to August 2012. The aims of this research are to analyze the channels and marketing institution, to know part of price is accepted by broiler farmer and marketing institution, to analyze the rate of marketing margin of broiler farmer, the rate of marketing institution and consumer with the rate of broiler farmer income. This research is expected can be used as: (1) as the information and consideration for broiler farmer (2) as  the consideration  for broiler farmer in  the marketing,  as  a consideration  to  determine the policy,  to  improve productivity and  patterning of marketing in Kendari City. The research material is a good broiler farmer miter or not miters to the company with production capacity between 2.500 to 4.000 tails. The method of the research is survey research. While to determine the location of this research by using purposive sampling and took 35 respondents consisted 5 broiler farmers and 30 intermediary traders by using purposive. Tabulation data was obtained and analyzed by marketing margin and the rate of broiler farmer income were elaborated  on  descriptive  manner.  The  result  showed  that  the  broiler  marketing channel at Kendari City involved 4 types with two marketing institutions involved: trader collector and trader retailer, the part of price received by broiler farmer from the last consumer was 68,8% whereas the part of price received by marketing institutions was 31,2%, marketing margin on the broiler price from broiler farmer to the last consumer was Rp.14.150 tails-1  (the sale of broiler in the level of broiler farmer was Rp.31.200 tails-1, broiler farmer to the trader collector was Rp. 9.000 tails- 1  and trader collector to retailers was 5.150 tails-1) and the rate of the broiler farmer income in Kendari City was Rp.17.046.139 cycle-1 or Rp.5.013 tails-1 cycle-1.   Key words: marketing, income, broiler, marketing margin
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 1, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

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This study aims to determine the hatchability and long of hatching of tolaki chicken eggs in incubator with different heat sources. Research carried out for 5 months in breeding cage Faculty of Animal science Halu Oleo University.  Chicken Tolaki used consisted of 5 males and 15 females aged approximately 20 months. Mating chicken is done by IB. Parameters measured were: (1) fertility, embryo viability, hatchability, hatching weight and long hatch. The results showed: (1) the average fertility Tolaki chicken eggs in PL incubator is 58.57% and PLM incubator is 46.88%, but both the incubator statistically was not significantly different, (2) the average of DHE in PL incubator is 96.67% and PLM incubator is 89.58%, (3) the average hatchability in PL incubator is 45.61% and PLM incubator is 64.81%, (4) the average weight of hatching in PL incubator is 26.47 g, while the PLM incubator is 26.96 g, and (5) long the eggs hatch in PL incubator is 21,05 days and PLM is 21,09 days. Statistically, the use incubator with different heat source had no significant effect on all parameters were observed.Based on the discussion concluded that incubator with different heat source does not significantly affect on fertility, DHE, hatchability, hatching weight and length of hatching of Tolaki chicken eggs, but to improve the hatchability is recommended to use incubator with a combination electric and oil lamps heat sources. Key words: fertility, embryo viability, hatchability and length of hatching, and tolaki chicken.

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